The Longest Ladder.
The Longest Ladder.
That’s so cute!
I loved this book as a kid. It still holds a special place in my heart.
If I’m not mistaken there was going to be a sequel to Kirby Tilt n’ Tumble for the GameCube but it got cancelled. I wonder how you would be able to play it? Using the GameCube itself would just feel unusual.
I don’t recall this being said in the movie as I watched it again quite recently. Maybe you just misheard it. There actually are some PG films that have the F word in them like Spaceballs (1987), CaddyShack II (1988), Beetlejuice (1988), and Big (1988). But other than that I don’t know of any others, as all those predate this one. The art however is good. Personally I actually enjoy this movie as well.
Classic meme.
I like movies, video games, professional wrestling, manga and anime, as well as collecting action figures and other things. I also enjoy watching cartoons. One of my favorite hobbies is drawing.
Joined on 1/2/22